Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day Six, No Sticks

Made it to day six by some miracle. The moment I got up I started coughing and coughing.  Really pissed me off because I thought that was the whole point of quitting; to get rid of the smoker’s cough.   But as I’ve mentioned before, not having money doesn’t give one much choice even if they did want to smoke.  My concern is when I get my check in a couple days.  Will I run out and get a pack of smokes?  Or will I continue a smoke free life?  It’s a very important decision.

Okay.  I better use some kind of tool to chill out, because I’m ready to smash something.  This is why I want to give up giving up.  The mental and physical withdrawal is so damn unpleasant I just don’t care anymore about quitting.  Urges pass.  So I’ve read.  Well this urge is lasting a little too long.

Started doing dishes to keep busy, but after a while I had to stop because I knew I was going to throw something.  So, thought I would sit down here and write again.  Touch typing keeps my fingers busy and I like the feeling of hitting the keys.  Gee.  I’m in a aggressive mood.

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