Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day Four!

This is definitely a true day without nicotine.  I’m saying this is day four, despite the few hits of nicotine I got from those terrible rolled stubs.

Things don’t seem too bad this morning.  Got up and had a real good stretch. On my second cup of coffee.  Was getting a little annoyed with all the coughing, but I guess that’s the body cleaning itself out of all that tar and crap.

Can’t find enough things to eat a drink in the house.  Took a nap and the  first thing I did when I got up was grab a peanut butter sandwich and some instant coffee.  Now nibbling on some cheese.  Surprised I don’t upset my stomach.

Finding things to do is a great tool to fight the urges.  Seems I can’t get anything done.  Either on the computer or vegetating in front of the TV.  I guess what ever it takes.

God, this feeling like I’m losing it is growing stronger by the minute.  Can’t find enough things to do to keep my mind occupied.  Guess I’ll just nurse another cup of tea and hope this very uncomfortable feeling will pass.

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