Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fighting the Urge to smoke, Dammit!

I am sitting here trying to write away the urge.

Won’t be but a few hours before I’ll really have to fight the urges as I have absolutely no money for cigarettes.  Unless I want to starve.  Don’t think I want to do that.

Five smokes left at 11:00 a.m.  Then that’s it. Five left and counting. 11:20 three left and counting 4:00 p.m. Two left and counting.  I think I’m just smoking for the sake of it. Why not just throw the ones I have left?  Because I’m avoiding the inevitable.

Well.  The inevitable has arrived.  No more cigarettes.  Going to cook some dinner and I’ll go from there. I know if I keep telling myself quitting is close to impossible and terribly hard it will make it much more difficult than it has to be.



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