Monday, March 29, 2010

Day One


Slowly waking up thanks to a couple cups of coffee.  Stretched my body some when I got up.  I coughing up all this gunk. It’s disgusting and annoying.  It’s the tar and other shit that’s been in my lungs day in and day out.  Guess my body is cleaning itself.


Let’s be honest. 6:00 p.m. and I found a tin of loose tobacco and rolled a couple.  I’m not very good at rolling, but they were good enough to get a little buzz.

I know I have an addictive personality because I’ve been eating all day long to substitute not smoking.  Nothing in moderation for me.

After a couple ill-made rolls I gave up.  Tastes foul and not to pleasant burning my fingers. Bed. No smoking, and I’ll feel better tomorrow for it.  I hope.

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