Sunday, June 27, 2010

Quitting – CHANTIX Official Site – CHANTIX is a Prescription Medicine to Help Adults Quit Smoking

Woken up at three this morning with a hacking cough.  So, I decided to stay up, despite the fact I wanted to get to do laundry this morning.  Don’t know if I can stay up for that.  Just going to buy new socks and underwear at the hardware store in town.  Hardware store.  Yea.  Not buying in the shops here.  Way, way too expensive.  I don’t need some designers name on the underwear.  No one’s going to see it.  And, I mean no one.

Well.  Been to the doctor’s about this three week persistant cough.  He didn’t find it necessary to prescribe an antibiotic.  However, I did have an x-ray. Haven’t heard back from him, so I must assume everything is okay.

I can blame this coughing on allergies.  Part of that is the honest truth.  But, I’m not kidding myself  that most of the problem is smoking.

I got a script for Chantix.   Just waiting for insurance to approve it.  I’m desperate.  Quit cold turkey in the past, but can’t make it past a couple of days now without going completely insane.  Chantix is supposed to be a good alternative to NRT’s, of which I’ve tried, to no avail.  It is said one has to want to quit.

Well, I REALLY, REALLY,  want to quit.  I’m looking forward to getting the medication and plan to be rid of this filthy, deadly habit.  If for any reason, to stop coughing every time I breath.

Quitting – CHANTIX Official Site – CHANTIX is a Prescription

Medicine to Help Adults Quit Smoking

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