Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mourning Cigarettes

Monday is my quit day and I’m already morning the loss of my smokes.  Sick.  I keep telling myself that I have no idea how I’m going to cope without smoking.  I need to remind myself that I did stop for four months a few years ago and I didn’t die from it.  I actually enjoyed the freedom.  Been in the hospital for several days without smoking.  So.  It is possible.

Was going to brave this windy, wet weather and buy a pack of ‘real’ cigarettes.  See, I’m using the loose tabacco and machine with tubes; making my own.  What a hassle that is.  I get so frustrated with jamming and tubes not filling and the mess.  It really reminds me how insane it is to go through what I go through for nicotine.

This is going to be a great challenge.  Of all the things I could do for myself, this is the greatest.

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